Classic Cases

Sampu Garage | Sun Yat sen University Affiliated First Hospital Stereoscopic Garage

Type:Classic Cases Date:2018-05-23 16:33:41 Share:

As one of the most authoritative Grade A tertiary hospitals in Guangzhou, Zhongshan First Hospital affiliated to Sun Yat-sen University has nearly 6,000 employees. There is a severe shortage of parking spaces. Our company has developed and built an underground two-story lift-and-shift type garage for the hospital, with nearly 400 parking spaces. All of them are equipped with the latest intelligent parking system developed by Miyake, which automatically identifies vehicle types in conjunction with infrared recognition devices and achieves accurate, convenient, and efficient parking. Some of the garage is equipped with charging piles to solve both charging and parking problems for new energy vehicles. The equipment is equipped with an automatic detection system to ensure parking safety, and multiple entrances and exits are set up to relieve waiting times during peak parking periods. The operation of high-tech equipment greatly enhances people's parking experience, making parking a pleasure.